From Aursletta to Tøymvasshytta cabin
This new trail up along the river passes Strauman, the beautiful tidal stream, and striking giant’s cauldrons.
From the express boat quay, follow the road signs for Lakselvvatnet; after a few hundred meters, a sign points out the trail to the lake. This new trail up along the river passes Strauman, the beautiful tidal stream, and striking giant’s cauldrons. The steepest part of the trail has stone steps and a guidewire.
From Lakselvvatnet lake the trail continues to Laksmarka – but there is no visible trail from there to Tøymvatnet, where there is a simple open cabin. The total hike is about 15 km. Please note that after heavy rain or during snow-melt, you may find it quite challenging to wade some of the streams and rivers.
Accommodation is available at Aursletta or Bønå, and from there you might be able to get a boat ride up to Lakselvvatnet lake.
How to get here
Parking is available by the express quays at Forvik and Tjøtta.
How to get here by public transportation
Catch the express boat to Aursletta from either Forvik or Tjøtta.