Tettingsdalen, also called Titingsdalen, is a long sheltered valley with a friendly terrain. This valley with the undemanding landscape lies just beyond the edge of Lomsdal-Visten National Park.
That, of course, does not mean that getting to Tettingsdalen is without its challenges. Just as in the national park itself, you must ascend to much higher elevations before descending into the valley – but once you are there you have a relaxed walk through an undulating landscape of open woodlands and marshy expanses.
Tettingsdalen is not entirely pristine; there is a dam at the northern end of Tettingsvatnet lake.
This is nonetheless an impressive wilderness landscape. Here are sheer mountainsides and old forests, and you are not very likely to encounter other visitors.

You have a choice between several approaches. The most common route is to start by the Langfjord, to the west, and climb the steep trail or construction road along the penstock, up through the forest to Tettingsvatnet lake. On the western side of the lake, it’s best to climb higher in the terrain, as the shoreline is almost impassable.
Another option is to come by boat into the fjord arm Storbørja, and then hike directly up to Tettingsdalen. The trail, which is fairly visible, takes you past Tettingsfossen, one of the highest waterfalls in the Lomsdal-Visten area.
Further hikes
Should you wish to explore the national park to your east, the best access is through Lappskardet pass. There is no trail per se, but the mountain pass is easy to find. The easiest ascent is up the side of the valley immediately to the south of the pass. From Lappskardet you can continue your hike to the Breivatnan lakes, and to the valleys of Strompdalen and Lomsdalen.
You can also cross directly towards Sæterdalen and Strompdal, through a pass to the east of Åkerhaugen.
In the heart of Tettingsdalen is a cabin once used by forestry workers. It has six beds and is unlocked, but be mindful that others may have reserved it during the hunting season. If you brought your tent, there are lots of great camping spots on the valley floor and on the hillsides above it.